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Ultimate Guide To Best Plants For Bathroom NZ

Welcome to a refreshing take on bathroom décor with our guide to the best plants for bathrooms in New Zealand. Adding greenery to your bathroom isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a serene, spa-like environment that promotes relaxation and well-being. Whether you’re dealing with low light, high humidity, or limited space, the right plants can thrive in these unique conditions, bringing nature indoors and enhancing the overall atmosphere. In this post, we’ll explore top plant choices that not only survive but flourish in bathrooms, offering practical tips and inspiration to help you transform your bathroom into a green oasis.

The best plants for bathrooms in New Zealand thrive in low light and high humidity. Top choices include the Snake Plant, Peace Lily, and Boston Fern, which are perfect for adding greenery to your bathroom while improving air quality. These plants are easy to care for, making them ideal for creating a serene, spa-like atmosphere in your bathroom.

Why Choose Bathroom Plants?

When considering bathroom decor, the inclusion of plants offers a surprising array of benefits that extend beyond mere aesthetics. Adding greenery to your bathroom not only enhances the visual appeal but also brings tangible health advantages. Plants such as ferns and spider plants are natural air purifiers, filtering out toxins and improving indoor air quality. Additionally, they can absorb excess moisture, helping to maintain a balanced humidity level, which is crucial in a bathroom setting. This moisture absorption can even reduce the occurrence of mold, a common bathroom issue. Beyond physical benefits, the presence of plants fosters a calming atmosphere, contributing to mental well-being. Imagine starting your day in a serene space filled with lush greenery, where the natural environment encourages relaxation and stress relief.

Bathrooms present a unique environment for plants, characterized by high humidity, varying light levels, and often limited space. These conditions can be challenging but also create an ideal microclimate for certain plants. High humidity, which can be detrimental to some indoor plants, actually benefits tropical species like peace lilies and orchids, which thrive in moist environments. However, bathrooms also pose challenges, such as fluctuating light levels and the potential for mold growth due to constant moisture. Selecting the right plants, such as those that can tolerate low light and high humidity, can help mitigate these issues. Furthermore, for smaller bathrooms, choosing compact plants or those that can be wall-mounted ensures that greenery is incorporated without sacrificing precious space. By addressing these challenges strategically, plants not only survive but flourish in the bathroom, turning it into a vibrant, refreshing retreat.

Key Factors To Consider When Choosing Bathroom Plants

When choosing plants for your bathroom, it’s essential to consider several key factors that will determine the success of your green space. The first factor to think about is light conditions. Bathrooms often have varying light levels, ranging from low to moderate, depending on the size and positioning of windows or even the presence of skylights. It’s crucial to select plants that thrive in the specific light conditions of your bathroom. For instance, if your bathroom has limited natural light, opting for low-light tolerant plants like snake plants or pothos would be ideal. On the other hand, if your bathroom enjoys moderate light, ferns or peace lilies can flourish. To accurately assess the light in your bathroom, you might consider using a light meter, but a simpler approach involves observing how the natural light shifts throughout the day, noting any significant changes.

Another vital factor is humidity levels. Bathrooms are generally high in humidity, especially after showers or baths, which can be beneficial for certain plants like ferns, orchids, or spider plants. These plants thrive in moist environments that mimic their natural habitats. However, too much humidity can be a challenge for plants that prefer drier conditions. To maintain an optimal environment, ensure proper ventilation in your bathroom, and consider grouping humidity-loving plants together to create a mini jungle effect that benefits all. For plants that require less moisture, placing them away from direct water sources, such as showers or sinks, can help manage their exposure to humidity.

Lastly, consider space and placement when incorporating plants into your bathroom. Bathrooms often have limited space, so it’s essential to think creatively about where to place your greenery. Space-saving ideas include using hanging planters, placing plants on shelves, or even utilizing window sills for smaller pots. The key is to enhance your bathroom’s aesthetics without overwhelming the space. For smaller bathrooms, choosing compact plants like air plants or succulents can add a touch of nature without crowding the area. In contrast, larger bathrooms might accommodate more substantial plants, such as a tall fiddle leaf fig in a corner, adding both height and visual interest.

By thoughtfully considering light conditions, humidity levels, and space constraints, you can create a bathroom that not only looks beautiful but also provides the perfect environment for your chosen plants to thrive.

Top 10 Best Plants For Bathrooms In NZ

When it comes to transforming your bathroom into a refreshing and tranquil oasis, selecting the right plants is crucial. The unique environment of a bathroom, with its varying light levels and high humidity, provides an ideal setting for certain plants that not only thrive but also add a touch of nature’s elegance. Below are the top 10 best plants for bathrooms in New Zealand, categorized based on their ability to thrive in low light, love for humidity, compact size, or striking visual appeal.

Low Light Lovers

  • Snake Plant (Sansevieria): Known for its incredible hardiness, the Snake Plant is a top choice for bathrooms with minimal natural light. Its upright, sword-like leaves are not only visually striking but also resilient, making it a perfect fit for the low-maintenance plant enthusiast. Sansevieria can thrive in low light and high humidity environments, which makes it ideal for bathrooms where other plants might struggle. This plant is also renowned for its air-purifying qualities, helping to filter out toxins from the air, making your bathroom not just beautiful but also healthier.
  • ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): The ZZ Plant is another excellent option for bathrooms with limited light. It’s practically indestructible, requiring very little care, which makes it perfect for those who want greenery without the effort. This plant can flourish in the dimmest corners of your bathroom while adding a touch of sleek, glossy green leaves. The ZZ Plant is also drought-tolerant, meaning it won’t mind if you forget to water it now and then. Its ability to survive in low light, combined with its minimal care needs, makes it a reliable and stylish choice for any bathroom.

Humidity Heroes

  • Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata): If your bathroom tends to stay warm and moist, the Boston Fern will feel right at home. This lush, feathery plant thrives in high humidity, making it an excellent companion for steamy showers. Placing it on a windowsill where it can receive indirect light or hanging it in a corner where it can cascade adds a soft, natural look to the space. Regular misting or placing it near a humidifier will keep its fronds looking vibrant and healthy. Boston Ferns are ideal for adding a touch of nature’s softness and lushness to your bathroom.
  • Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum): The Peace Lily is well-known for its striking white blooms and dark green leaves, but its ability to flourish in humid environments makes it particularly suited for bathrooms. This plant not only adds an elegant touch with its beautiful flowers but also purifies the air by removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene. Peace Lilies prefer low to moderate light and thrive in the high humidity often found in bathrooms. A Peace Lily can be placed on a countertop or shelf to bring a peaceful, refreshing ambiance to your space.

Compact and Stylish

  • Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): The Spider Plant is a classic choice for those who want a compact yet stylish plant in their bathroom. Known for its arching, variegated leaves, this plant can be placed on a shelf or hung in a basket where its leaves can cascade beautifully. It’s highly adaptable and can thrive in various light conditions, although it prefers bright, indirect light. The Spider Plant is also known for its air-purifying properties, making it both a practical and decorative addition to your bathroom decor.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a versatile plant that serves a dual purpose. Not only does it act as a soothing remedy for minor cuts and burns, but it also adds a touch of greenery to your bathroom. Aloe Vera prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels, making it suitable for bathrooms with limited natural light. Its thick, fleshy leaves store water, meaning it doesn’t need frequent watering, making it an excellent low-maintenance option. The compact size of Aloe Vera makes it perfect for a windowsill or countertop, adding both beauty and practicality to your bathroom.

Statement Plants

  • Monstera (Monstera deliciosa): For those looking to make a bold statement, the Monstera plant is an ideal choice. With its large, glossy, and uniquely split leaves, Monstera adds a dramatic touch to any bathroom. It thrives in moderate light conditions, so placing it near a bathroom window where it can receive filtered sunlight will keep it healthy. The Monstera is not just about looks; it’s also relatively low-maintenance, requiring only occasional watering and dusting of its leaves. This plant will undoubtedly become a conversation piece, bringing a tropical vibe to your bathroom.
  • Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum): The trailing nature of the Philodendron makes it a versatile and stylish addition to any bathroom. Whether placed on a shelf or allowed to trail down from a hanging planter, this plant adds lush greenery and a sense of depth to your space. It’s well-suited to the warm, humid environment of a bathroom and can thrive in low to moderate light conditions. The Philodendron’s heart-shaped leaves are both elegant and resilient, making it a favorite among plant lovers looking for an easy-to-care-for option that still offers plenty of visual appeal.

Hanging Beauties

  • English Ivy (Hedera helix): English Ivy is perfect for those who want to make use of vertical space in their bathroom. This plant is ideal for hanging baskets or high shelves where its long, trailing vines can cascade down, creating a natural curtain of greenery. English Ivy thrives in humid environments and can handle low light, making it a versatile choice for bathrooms. Its ability to improve indoor air quality is an added benefit, as it helps reduce mold and other airborne particles, making your bathroom not just beautiful but also healthier.
  • Pothos (Epipremnum aureum): Pothos is one of the most resilient plants you can choose for your bathroom. It can thrive in a variety of light conditions, from low to bright indirect light, and it’s incredibly easy to care for. Pothos is perfect for hanging planters, where its vibrant green leaves can trail elegantly downwards. It’s also known for its air-purifying qualities, removing toxins such as formaldehyde and xylene from the air. Whether you’re new to plant care or a seasoned pro, Pothos is a foolproof option that brings a splash of greenery to your bathroom with minimal effort.

Incorporating any of these top 10 plants into your bathroom can not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the space but also create a more refreshing and healthful environment. Whether you prefer low-light lovers, humidity enthusiasts, compact and stylish options, statement plants, or hanging beauties, there’s a perfect plant for every bathroom in New Zealand.

Caring For Your Bathroom Plants

Caring for your bathroom plants requires thoughtful attention to their unique needs due to the high humidity and limited light conditions typical of these spaces. Watering is a crucial aspect, but it’s important to remember that overwatering can be just as harmful as underwatering, even in a humid environment. Plants like ferns and peace lilies thrive in moisture but still need their soil to dry out slightly between waterings to prevent root rot. A good rule of thumb is to water your bathroom plants once a week during warmer months and reduce frequency in cooler months. Adjust this schedule based on the specific needs of each plant, as some may require more or less water depending on their natural habitat.

Dealing with mold and mildew is another common challenge when caring for bathroom plants. The warm and moist conditions in bathrooms can create an ideal environment for mold growth, which can harm both the plants and your bathroom’s cleanliness. To prevent mold, ensure your bathroom is well-ventilated by keeping windows open or using an exhaust fan regularly. Regularly wiping down the leaves and checking the soil can also help mitigate mold growth. If mold does appear, you can remove it by gently wiping the affected areas with a mixture of water and mild dish soap, or use a solution of one part hydrogen peroxide to three parts water.

Fertilization and growth management are essential to keep your bathroom plants healthy and vibrant. While bathroom plants generally don’t require heavy feeding, a balanced liquid fertilizer applied every 4-6 weeks during the growing season can encourage lush growth. Be cautious not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to nutrient buildup and harm the plants. Additionally, regular pruning helps keep your plants looking neat and promotes new growth. Prune any yellowing leaves or overgrown stems to maintain the plant’s shape and health. Repotting may also be necessary every year or two, especially if the plant has outgrown its container. When repotting, choose a slightly larger pot and fresh potting mix to give the plant more room to grow and access to new nutrients.

By following these tips, you can maintain a thriving collection of bathroom plants that not only enhance the space aesthetically but also contribute to a healthier indoor environment.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

When incorporating plants into your bathroom, it’s important to avoid common mistakes that can lead to poor plant health or even the demise of your greenery. One key mistake is overwatering, which can lead to waterlogged plants and root rot. Many bathroom plants thrive in humid environments but still need well-draining soil to prevent excess moisture from lingering around the roots. To avoid this issue, always use pots with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. Additionally, placing a saucer under the pot can help catch any water that drains out, protecting your surfaces while ensuring your plants aren’t sitting in stagnant water.

Another common error is ignoring the light needs of your plants. Bathrooms often have varying levels of light, ranging from bright, direct sunlight to low, indirect light. It’s essential to choose plants that match the light conditions available in your bathroom. For instance, low-light tolerant plants like snake plants or pothos are ideal for dimly lit bathrooms, while ferns and orchids may thrive in brighter, more humid environments. Placing a plant in the wrong lighting conditions can lead to poor growth, yellowing leaves, or even plant death, so it’s crucial to assess your bathroom’s light situation before selecting your plants.

Finally, neglecting routine care is a mistake that can turn even the hardiest of plants into a struggle. While some bathroom plants are low-maintenance, they still require regular attention to thrive. This includes checking the soil moisture levels, trimming dead or yellowing leaves, and occasionally rotating the plant to ensure even growth. Routine care also involves cleaning the leaves to remove dust and allowing the plant to photosynthesize efficiently. By sticking to a simple care routine, you’ll ensure that your bathroom plants remain healthy, vibrant, and capable of thriving in their unique environment.

Real-Life Examples And Inspiration

Incorporating plants into your bathroom can dramatically transform the space, no matter the size or layout. Let’s explore two inspiring case studies that showcase the power of greenery in bathroom design, along with a call to action for readers to share their own plant-filled bathroom setups.

Case Study 1: Transforming a Small Bathroom with Plants

In this example, a homeowner successfully revitalized a tiny, windowless bathroom using a clever selection of small plants. Despite the lack of natural light, the homeowner strategically placed low-light tolerant plants such as snake plants, ZZ plants, and pothos. These resilient plants not only thrive in dimly lit conditions but also add a burst of green that enlivens the otherwise dull space. The homeowner chose small pots to avoid overcrowding, placing them on shelves, counters, and even hanging them from the ceiling. The result is a cozy, vibrant bathroom that feels fresh and welcoming, proving that even the smallest and darkest of bathrooms can be brightened with the right plant choices.

Case Study 2: Creating a Spa-Like Retreat

In another stunning transformation, a bathroom was converted into a serene, spa-like retreat by introducing a variety of humidity-loving plants. The homeowner focused on species that thrive in moist environments, such as ferns, orchids, and peace lilies. These plants were arranged around the bathtub, on window ledges, and in corners to create a lush, tropical atmosphere. The greenery not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal of the space but also contributed to a more calming and rejuvenating environment. The key to this transformation was selecting plants that flourish in the naturally high humidity of a bathroom, making daily care effortless and the overall experience luxurious.

Reader Contributions: Share Your Plant Setups

We love hearing how our readers have brought a touch of nature into their homes, especially in creative spaces like the bathroom. Have you turned your bathroom into a green oasis? Whether you’ve added a single plant or created a mini indoor garden, we’d love to see it! Share your photos or stories with us, and your setup could be featured in a future post. Let’s inspire each other with the ways we’re using plants to enhance our living spaces, one bathroom at a time.

FAQs: About Best Plants For Bathroom NZ

What are the best plants for a low-light bathroom?

The best plants for a low-light bathroom include the Snake Plant, ZZ Plant, and Peace Lily. These plants can thrive with minimal natural light, making them perfect for bathrooms with small or no windows.

Can I put any plant in my bathroom?

Not all plants are suited for bathroom conditions. The high humidity and varying light levels can be challenging for some plants. It’s best to choose plants that thrive in humid environments and can tolerate low to moderate light.

How do I care for plants in a bathroom?

Caring for bathroom plants involves ensuring they don’t get overwatered due to the humid environment. Regularly check soil moisture levels, provide adequate ventilation to prevent mold, and occasionally fertilize to keep them healthy.

Which plants are best for small bathrooms?

For small bathrooms, compact plants like Spider Plants, Aloe Vera, and Pothos are excellent choices. These plants don’t take up much space and can be placed on shelves, window sills, or hung in planters.

Do bathroom plants help with mold and mildew?

Yes, certain bathroom plants like Boston Ferns and English Ivy can absorb moisture from the air, helping to reduce the likelihood of mold and mildew. However, proper ventilation is still essential.

What are the benefits of having plants in the bathroom?

Plants in the bathroom enhance the aesthetic appeal, improve air quality, absorb excess moisture, and create a relaxing, spa-like atmosphere. They also add a touch of nature to an otherwise utilitarian space.

Can I use artificial light for bathroom plants?

Yes, if your bathroom has no natural light, you can use artificial grow lights to help your plants thrive. Look for full-spectrum LED lights that mimic natural sunlight.

What are some hanging plants suitable for bathrooms?

Great hanging plants for bathrooms include Pothos, English Ivy, and Philodendron. These plants can cascade down from hanging baskets, adding greenery without taking up counter space.

How often should I water bathroom plants?

The frequency of watering depends on the plant type and bathroom conditions. Generally, bathroom plants need less frequent watering due to the high humidity, but it’s important to monitor the soil and water when it starts to dry out.

What should I do if my bathroom plants develop mold?

If your bathroom plants develop mold, improve ventilation by opening windows or using a fan, remove affected leaves, and consider using a fungicide. Also, ensure that the plants are not sitting in waterlogged soil, as this can contribute to mold growth.


Adding plants to your bathroom is an easy yet transformative way to enhance both its aesthetics and atmosphere, creating a more inviting and relaxing space. The right selection of greenery not only elevates the visual appeal of your bathroom but also brings natural elements indoors, improving air quality and creating a calming environment. Whether you choose humidity-loving ferns or resilient succulents, each plant has the potential to breathe life into your bathroom in unique ways. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different plant varieties and placements; the process of greening your bathroom is as rewarding as the result. As you embark on this journey, remember that small changes can have a significant impact, so have fun with it and make your space truly yours. To take your indoor gardening to the next level, consider exploring more tips on plant care, visiting a local nursery for expert advice, or consulting with an indoor plant specialist who can help you select the perfect greenery for your bathroom’s specific conditions.

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